
發表日期 性質 作者/篇名 期刊名 頁碼
2025-04 期刊論文 C.F. Chen, Y.C. Lim, M.H. Wang, F.P.J.B. Albarico, CW Hsu, C.W. Chen*, C.D. Dong*
Controlling effects of terrestrial organic matter on metal contamination and toxicity risks in port sediments.
Mar. Pollut. Bull. 201, 116245
2023-11 期刊論文 C.F. Chen, Y.R. Ju, C.W. Chen, F.P.J.B. Albarico, Y.C. Lim, C.T. Ke, Y.R. Cheng, C.D. Dong
Microplastics in coral reef sediments underestimated? They may hide in biominerals
Science of the Total Environment 899, 165708
2023-09 期刊論文 C.F. Chen, Y.R. Ju, Y.C. Lim, M.H. Wang, C.W. Chen, C.D. Dong
Microplastics in coastal farmed oyster (Crassostrea angulata) shells: Abundance, characterization and diversity
Marine Pollution Bulletin 194(Pt A):115228
2023-08 期刊論文 C.F. Chen, S.H. Lee, Y.R. Ju, C.W. Chen*, C.D. Dong*
Comprehensive assessment of metals and organic pollutants in pelagic fishing port sediments
Marine Pollution Bulletin 193, 115119
2023-06 期刊論文 C.F. Chen, Y.C. Lim, Y.R. Ju, F.P.J.B. Albarico, C.W. Chen*, C.D. Dong
A novel pollution index to assess the metal bioavailability and ecological risks in sediments
Marine Pollution Bulletin 191, 114926
2023-03 期刊論文 Y.C. Lim, C.F. Chen, Chiu-Wen Chen, Cheng-Di Dong
Valorization of Dredged Harbor Sediments through lightweight aggregates production: application of waste oyster shells
Sustainability 15(6), 5466
2023-03 期刊論文 M.H. Wang, C.W. Chen, C.F. Chen, L.C. Wang, T.K. Liu, C.D. Dong
Occurrence and emission of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from water treatment plant sludge in Taiwan
Environmental Technology 44(8): 1190–1200
2023-03 期刊論文 C.F. Chen, Y.R. Ju, M.H. Wang, F.P.J.B. Albarico, S.H. Lee, C.W. Chen, C.D. Dong
Endocrine disruptors (phthalates and alkylphenols) in harbor surface sediments reflect anthropogenic pollution
Soil and Sediment Contamination Accepted 2023/3/13
2023-02 期刊論文 Y.C. Lim, F. P. J. B. Albarico, C.F. Chen, C.W. Chen, C.D. Dong
Pollution sources and ecological risks of potentially toxic metals in sediments from a multi-functional Hsingda Harbor in southwestern Taiwan
Regional Studies in Marine Science 58, 102780
2023-02 期刊論文 M.H. Wang, C.F. Chen, F.P.J.B. Albarico, W.P. Tsai, C.W. Chen, C.D. Dong
Concentrations of phthalate esters on Indian Ocean silky sharks and their long-term dietary consumption risks
Marine Biology Research 18, 599–610
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