
發表日期 性質 作者/篇名 期刊名 頁碼
2024-05 國科會
91 廢棄物再利用-PP短纖左為浮油回收材料之可行性研究 陳秀文 2002年07月 ~ 2003年02月 國科會
2024-05 研討會論文
Hsiu-wen Chen,1989,Toxicology Workshop,Dept. of Env,NJIT,1989/00/00 (SCI)
2024-05 研討會論文
Hsiu-wen Chen,1991,Environmental Mathematical Modeling of Stream Pollution,Dept. of Env,Rutgers University,1991/00/00 (SCI)
2024-05 研討會論文
陳秀文,1995,The Relationship of Mercury Hg(0) and Hg(II) on Ambient Air and Rainwater in RRF Project,環境污染物宿命研討會,國立高雄海專, 高雄, R.O.C.,1995/00/00 (其他)
2024-05 期刊論文
Hsiu-wen Chen,1988,Development Assessment Report: Regulatory Review and Technical Analysis of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey’s Proposed Auto Marine Terminal,EPS Associates Newark (其他)
2024-05 期刊論文
Hsiu-wen Chen,1989,The Airborne Toxic Element and Organic Substances Study Design,Dept. of Env (SCI)
2024-05 期刊論文
Hsiu-wen Chen,1989,Investigation of Benzo(a)pyrene in Outdoor air,Indoor air, Personal inhalation air (其他)
2024-05 期刊論文
Greenberg, A., Waldman, J.M., et al.,1990,Investigation of Indoor and Outdoor Level of Benzo(a)pyrene in a Community of Older Homes.,Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds,3,pp137-149 (其他)
2024-05 期刊論文
Greenberg, A., Hsiu-wen Chen et al.,1992,Mercury in Air and Rainwater in the Vicinity of a Municipal Resource Recovery Facility in Northwestern New Jersey.,Air & Waste Management Assoc (其他)
2024-05 期刊論文
Hsiu-wen Chen,1994,Investigation of the Impact of the Warren County Resource Recovery Facility (RRF) on Ambient Air,,Rainwater, and Soil Samples (其他)
2024-05 期刊論文
陳秀文,1997,The Investigation of RRF Incinerator in NJ area,淡江大學 (其他)
2024-05 期刊論文
陳秀文,1998,環保領航員:大專學生參予社區環保服務,加昌國小,環保署,pp176- (其他)
2024-05 期刊論文
陳秀文,1999,環保領航員:大專學生參予社區環保服務,加昌國小,環保署,pp114- (其他)
2024-05 期刊論文
陳秀文,2003,應用USEPA Method 8260B方法監測後勁溪水體中有害揮發性有機物之研究,高雄海院校慶專刊 (其他)
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