
發表日期 性質 作者/篇名 期刊名 頁碼
2024-05 期刊論文
C.F. Chen, C.W. Chen, Y.R. Ju, C.M. Kao, C.D. Dong* ,2018,Impact of disposal of dredged material on sediment quality in the Kaohsiung Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site, Taiwan ,Chemosphere,191,pp555-565 (SCI)
2024-05 期刊論文
C.D. Dong, C.W. Chen, C.M. Kao, C.C. Chien, C.M. Hung ,2018,Wood-Biochar-Supported Magnetite Nanoparticles for Remediation of PAH-Contaminated Estuary Sediment ,Catalysts,8,2,pp73-73 (SCI)
2024-05 期刊論文
C.D. Dong, M.L. Tsai, C.W. Chen, C.M. Hung ,2018,Remediation and cytotoxicity study of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-contaminated marine sediments using synthesized iron oxide-carbon composite ,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,25,6,pp5243-5253 (SCI)
2024-05 期刊論文
Z.H. Yang, C.D. Dong, C.W. Chen, Y.T. Sheu, C.M. Kao ,2018,Using poly-glutamic acid as soil-washing agent to remediate heavy metal-contaminated soils. ,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,25,6,pp5231-5242 (SCI)
2024-05 期刊論文
Y.T. Sheu, D.C.W. Tsang, C.D. Dong, C.W. Chen, S.G. Luo, C.M. Kao ,2018,Enhanced bioremediation of TCE-contaminated groundwater using gamma poly-glutamic acid as the primary substrate ,Journal of Cleaner Production,178,pp108-118 (SCI)
2024-05 期刊論文
Y.T. Tu, J.H. Ou, D.C.W. Tsang, C.D. Dong, C.W. Chen, C.M. Kao ,2018,Source identification and ecological impact evaluation of PAHs in urban river sediments: A case study in Taiwan ,Chemosphere,194,pp666-674 (SCI)
2024-05 期刊論文
C.F. Chen, Y.R. Ju, G.T. Lin, C.W. Chen*, C.D. Dong* ,2018,Methylmercury in industrial harbor sediments in Taiwan: first observations on its occurrence, distribution, and measurement. ,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,15,pp1765-1765 (SCI)
2024-05 期刊論文
C.F. Chen, Y.R. Ju, Y.C. Lim, J.H. Chang, C.W. Chen*, C.D. Dong* ,2018,Spatial and temporal distribution of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in the urban river sediments ,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,15,pp2228-2228 (SCI)
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