
發表日期 性質 作者/篇名 期刊名 頁碼
2015-11 期刊論文 C.D. Dong, C.W. Chen, and C.M. Hung
Preparation, physicochemical and electrochemical properties of magnetite electrodes for methanol electrocatalytic oxidation in an alkaline medium. ,Desalination and Water Treatment,60,57
(SCI) 29404-29410
2015-11 期刊論文 C.M. Hung, C.W. Chen, Y.Z. Jhuang, and C.D. Dong*
Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles: Characterization and performance exemplified by the degradation of methylene blue in the presence of persulfate ,Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies,19,1
(SCI) 43-51
2014-11 私人企業或法人 參與人:董正釱(Chengdi Dong) 特聘教授
2014-11 私人企業或法人 參與人:董正釱(Chengdi Dong) 特聘教授
2014-11 私人企業或法人 參與人:董正釱(Chengdi Dong) 特聘教授
2014-11 國科會 參與人:董正釱(Chengdi Dong) 特聘教授
2014-11 研討會論文 第四(以上)作者
Evaluation of heavy metals contamination in the surface sediments of anping harbor, Taiwan.
5th International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics
2014-11 期刊論文 Yu-Jen Shih,Chiu-Wen Chen,Kuo-Feng Hsia,Cheng-Di Dong
Granulation for extended-release of nanoscale zero-valent iron exemplified by hexavalent chromium reduction in aqueous solution ,Separation and Purification Technology,156
(SCI) 1073-1081
2014-11 期刊論文 Yu-Jen Shih, Chia-Chi Su, Chiu-Wen Chen,Cheng-Di Dong
Synthesis of magnetically recoverable ferrite (MFe2O4, M = Co, Ni and Fe)-supported TiO2 photocatalysts for decolorization of methylene blue ,Catalysis Communications
(SCI) 127-132
2014-11 期刊論文 Z.H. Yang, Y.T. Sheu, C.D. Dong, C.W. Chen,C.M. Kao
Application of a three-stage remediation process to cleanup petroleum-hydrocarbon contaminated sediments ,Desalination and Water Treatment,56,2
(SCI) 435-442
2014-11 期刊論文 Cheng-Di Dong1, , Chiu-Wen Chen2, , Chih-Feng Chen
Seasonal and spatial distribution of 4-nonylphenol and 4-tert-octylphenol in the sediment of Kaohsiung Harbor, Taiwan ,Chemosphere,,134
(SCI) 588-597
2014-11 期刊論文 "Cheng-Di Donga,Chiu-Wen Chena,Chih-Feng Chena ,Wen-Liang Laib,Chang-Mao Hunga"
Material characterization and electrochemical performance of copper-based rare earth composite oxide electrodes for use in ammonia electrocatalytic oxidation ,Desalination and Water Treatment,54,4-5
(SCI) 1054-1060
2014-11 期刊論文 Chiu-Wen Chena, Chih-Feng Chena, Chang-Mao Hunga & Cheng-Di Dong
Evaluating the leaching heavy metals in Kaohsiung Harbor sediment using toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) ,Desalination and Water Treatment,,54,4-5
(SCI) 1-10
2014-11 期刊論文 Cheng-Di Dong, Chih-Feng Chena,Chiu-Wen Chena
Composition and source of butyltins in sediments of Kaohsiung Harbor, Taiwan ,Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,156
(SCI) 134-143
2014-11 期刊論文 Chiu-Wen Chen,Nguyen Thanh Binh,Chang-Mao Hung, Chih-Feng Chen, Cheng-Di Dong
Removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from sediments using chemical oxidation processes ,Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies,18,1
(SCI) 16-22
2012-11 期刊論文 72-C. W. Chen, C. F. Chen and C. D. Dong*
Distribution and accumulation of chromium in the sediments of the Kaohsiung Ocean Disposal Site, Taiwan. International Journal of Energy Science 3(4).
(其他) 287-291
2012-11 期刊論文 70-C. D. Dong, C. F. Chen and C. W. Chen
Distribution and source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the sediments of northern Kaohsiung Harbor, Taiwan. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy 7.
(SCI, 2011 IF: 1.037, Chemistry, A (SCI) 481-486
2012-11 期刊論文 69-C. F. Chen, C. W. Chen, C. D. Dong* and C. M. Kao
Assessment of toxicity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediments of Kaohsiung Harbor, Taiwan. Science of the Total Environment 463-464.
(SCI, IF: 3.258, Environmental Sciences (SCI) 1174-1181
2012-11 期刊論文 68-C. D. Dong, C. W. Chen and C. F. Chen
Distribution, enrichment, accumulation and potential ecological risks of mercury in the sediments of Kaohsiung Harbor, Taiwan. Chemistry and Ecology http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02757540.2013.817564
2012-11 期刊論文 67-C. D. Dong, C. W. Chen and C. F. Chen*
Distribution and contamination status of chromium in surface sediments of northern Kaohsiung Harbor, Taiwan. Journal of Environmental Sciences 25(7).
(IF: 1.773; Environmental Sciences: 102/209 (其他) 1450-1457
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